Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences

In 2015, this university started working for the above ranking by accepting students under the supervision of Kerman University of Medical Sciences in the field of nursing and medical activities. Until it gained independence in 1370 and continued to operate under the title of Faculty of Sciences, and finally, in 1371, basic medicine was implemented to transform the faculty into a university, and the Faculty of Medical Sciences was transformed into Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences and Health Care Services. This university has four vice-chancellors and eight administrations, which include vice-chancellors for support, vice-chancellor and medicine, vice-chancellor for health and vice-chancellor for education, research, student and culture, and the fields of educational, research, student, administrative, financial, and organizational management. And program budget, medicine, food and treatment. The university councils include the university, the educational council, the cultural council and the research council, and there are affiliated faculties of medicine, dentistry, nursing, midwifery and paramedicine that train students in the fields of medicine, dentistry, nursing, midwifery, radiology, laboratory science, intelligence, operating room. The faculty members in this university are about 144 people and about 500 people have graduated in the aforementioned fields. From the point of view of the quality of education in this university, it can be pointed out that the number of graduates of this university passed the entrance exams to higher levels, while in the month of September 2013, this university in the comprehensive exam of basic medical sciences among the participating universities had less than 50 people, it won the first rank and the second rank among all medical sciences universities in the country, and in 2019 it also won the second rank in the country.


Address: Rafsanjan - Imam Ali Boulevard - Central Organization

Phone : 03434280038-42

Postalcode: 7717933777



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