

Undoubtedly, the enjoyment of a healthy environment is a major factor that affects human quality of life. For this, one of the major features is the health of the environment and the working place. In the meantime, the growing global industrial expansion to account for the increasing demands of human societies has increased human society exposure to harmful physical, chemical social and biological factors across working environments and the environment as a whole. Existing harmful factors in the working place and the environment are hazards that threaten human health. Apart from their origins, many of these hazards can be modified and controlled by suitable interventions, including training, prevention and protection. Hence, increasing social health and achieving it could not be made possible without promoting health in the environment and in the working place. For this, international health organizations have constantly emphasized the promotion of people’s health against incidents and harms caused by the environment and the working place. Accordingly, the center for working-place research seeks to help to improve and promote the health of the people and the environment by pursuing the following objectives:


آدرس: Rafsanjan - Imam Ali Boulevard - Central Organization

تلفن : 03434280038-42

کد پستی: 7717933777



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