Five-Year Strategic Plan of Physiology-Pharmacology Research Center


Executive Summary

The Physiology-Pharmacology Research Center at Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences aims to strengthen its position as a preeminent institution in the domains of physiology, pharmacology, and molecular biology. Our objectives include expanding research initiatives, recruiting distinguished scholars, fostering international collaborations, promoting innovative investigations, improving academic offerings, and advancing industrial applications of research outcomes. This strategic plan is designed to achieve these goals through a series of targeted actions that are phased appropriately to maximize effectiveness and impact



Vision Statement: The Center aims to advance understanding of human physiological processes, pathophysiology, and therapeutics through interdisciplinary research, education, and innovation



The long-term objective of this center is to educate and train individuals in diverse areas of physiology and pharmacology



Producing proficient researchers and competent personnel at the master’s level and Ph.D. By Research (PhD by Research)-

Educating students across different academic tiers associated with our domain-

Organizing scientific seminars and workshops-



 Availability of skilled and productive staff members within this center-

 Presence of functional physiological labs and apparatuses here-

 Accessibility to other research institutes on campus that enable us to collaborate comprehensively-

 Providing Master's programs as well as Ph.D. By Research opportunities-



 Execution of both clinical and fundamental investigations in the realm of physiology-

 Nurturing future scholars in physiology and pharmacology through training initiatives-

 Endeavoring to acquire funding for our studies from national and international scientific bodies and societies-

 Enhancing and improving specific physiological and pharmacological research facilities based on our ongoing projects, as well as equipping and optimizing specialized laboratories of physiology and pharmacology


Five-Year Strategic Plan of Physiology-Pharmacology Research Center: Yearly Objectives


First Year

 Acquiring final approval from the appropriate authorities (university and relevant ministry) to establish the center-

 Endorsing an organizational structure for the center and recruiting required professionals with pertinent expertise-

 Preparing an independent budget aligned with our objectives and strategies-


Second Year

 Constructing physical premises commensurate with our vision and plans, prioritizing the construction of an autonomous facility-

 Finalizing equipment consonant with our aims and agendas-


Third Year

 Creating the framework for advanced education in diversified disciplines regarding physiology and pharmacology, taking the volume of students into account-

 Formulating a platform conducive to joint ventures between the center and external educational institutions and research entities beyond the university-


Fourth Year

 Initiation and incorporation of at least one start-up enterprise linked to the center


Fifth Year

 Promoting collaboration with industries to execute practical research endeavors resulting in medicinal products and diagnostic tools for illnesses, comprising medications and lab kits-

 Facilitating the transformation of our study findings into marketable commodities, such as pharmaceuticals and laboratory supplies for disease diagnosis-



These objectives will help us fulfill our mission and realize our vision over the coming years while staying true to our core values of excellence, collaboration, innovation, and impact. By executing these initiatives, we aspire to be recognized as a premier destination for cutting-edge research, world-class education, and fruitful collaboration in human diseases


Address: Rafsanjan - Imam Ali Boulevard - Central Organization

Phone : 03434280038-42

Postalcode: 7717933777


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